My LaNgUaGe SiTe

                                                Phineas Gage book report

Title:   Phineas Gage          

Author: John Fleischman

Genre: non-fiction

Despite his horrible accident Phineas made a complete recovery, Phineas’ story was spread throughout the world.  His case dramatically changed what we know about brain science.  Thanks to Phineas we know way more about the brain now then we did way back then.

I thought this was more of a question than a theme, because the author wants to know what we think of him being lucky or unlucky.  I think personally he was a little of both, he was unlucky because he had a rod go through his head, he was lucky because he was able to live for eleven years after he died.  My perspective is luck is how you look at it.

I didn’t like this book because I’m not interested in brain science.  I also don’t like this story, because it seemed as if Phineas’ accident was too unbelievable, I think you can’t live if you have had so much damage done to your brain.   I would rate this book a two point five, because it was not very interesting.  I would recommend this book to a doctor or nurse who is studying or wanting to know about brain science.